Penis enlargement

Today, it is considered a normal size male, fourteen-eighteen inches long. These figures are indicators of Russian men according to the principle of average, but still are not satisfied with the size of the only ones there. The reason men goes to penis enlargement, there are a variety of. But dissatisfaction among the most common ones partner. Also, the impressive size it takes when there's a guy of dignity, and pride. So some hesitant process of such a plan.

During operation or extend your penis or make that is much thicker. Some patients desire to spend combination process.

Penis thickener

surgery increasing member

Thickening of your penis a lot more often to spend on operations, more than his. This is the direct cause the diameter of the vagina of the women maybe a little more reputation for his partner. And in this case, meet him at all in any way possible. Then the thickening process, the head of the penis vaginal wall to encourage much more active, and so for many women to orgasm much faster.

So far three such meetings processes:

  • Transfer a small portion of a flat stomach muscles beneath the skin while preserving blood flow to the penis axis. The member is wrapped around most of this phase during the process along the length of. A similar procedure because it is considered blood flow is maintained. The reason for this, integrity, rectus uncomfortable, it's not even a drop of the site, the length of the penis and expand it. Moreover, it actually reactivates the micro-anastomosis missing, significantly reduces the risk of any complications, and after surgery. Experts strongly recommended to completely eliminate such an operation, then six months, a physical load. This is necessary to avoid the appearance of a hernia patient.
  • Enlarge male penis implantation under the skin of the skin by using oily rags, seized the sick in the area of the hip. However, a drawback of this technique – lysis of adipose tissue have been transplanted. In cases like this is seventy-one hundred percent. You can also output during the operation, the slats over time and starts to rot, the tissue of the penis may be deformed. The only PLUS to such a procedure, the aesthetic appearance of the plot, in which the transaction was performed (certainly well masked all traces).
  • Muscle transplants which is a small portion of your stay, the front portion of the chest wall. In this case the tripe, and a seat that almost never can be seen cannot be said about Romanian transport operations during the plot of the straight abdominal muscles. But a minus, this procedure still exists – a significant risk for tissue necrosis, was transferred to. This situation, vessels, abdominal wall, vessels and opens Nov sewn, then graft vascular pedicle thrombosis.

In any case, for each of the above methods has its own pros and cons thickening manhood. Which techniques you choose, you surely will tell an expert.

Penis extension

There are three options lengthening penis:

  • Surgery.

    There are several ways of penis enlargement surgery. Masculinity be understood by reducing them to the mezzanine section to increase her private part. This can be achieved due to the fact that the fiber elements in the apparatus that holds the penis and the pubic region, on top has come. In fact, during these types of transactions does not change the actual dimensions of the member, it just redistributed in length.

    Otherwise, surgery, male sexual organ constitutes parsing. Then, to maintain such a differentiation special synthetic sick or rib cartilage implant. The effect you want is achieved by using some pieces of masculinity its natural elasticity.

    Another way, another implantation is longer than that seen in a custom field. This shell is applied to the small incisions in Henderson. But it is not a similar option, allows you to achieve maximum impact and long-masculinity, not only normalizes erectile function.

  • When non-surgical ways of penis enlargement, you should be able to explain here, such a fixture as an expander. Certainly I've heard a lot about him. Using this method will be an opportunity for member increase is steep as the situation is calm. Other ways this is a very big advantage, assuming surgical intervention. Several doctors recommend that you can workout manual, hang, as well as general and local hormone therapy.
  • The combined. Represents a method in the first stage, surgical intervention will allow for a more developed then the male organ to do is to finish the second stage of a surgical procedure, so use the extender. The most commonly used application of this method compared with other methods. Allows you to enlarge your penis, about four inches in length.